

Required enrollment documents

Welcome to our school admission form! Please provide the following basic details to begin the application process.

Documents Required For Admission:


Ready to enroll?
We hope to meet you soon

Thank you for your interest in our school

The process


Take a tour

Discover our campus through a guided tour to view our facilities and meet staff members. It’s a great way to see what we offer and envision your child at our school.


Submit application

Complete and submit the application form along with any required documents. This step is crucial for us to learn more about your child and consider them for admission.


Meet and greet

Attend a session to meet our team and discuss how we can support your child’s education. It’s an opportunity for personal interaction and to ask any questions you might have.


Secure a spot

Finalize your child’s enrollment by accepting our offer, completing necessary paperwork, and arranging payment. This confirms your child’s place at our school.